My weekend was super productive, go me! Which means I didn't make time to blog. The recap: Friday - Excellent Happy Hour with cohort (is it happy hour when it lasts for four hours), my voice is still hoarse from excellent conversations Saturday - Walked and walked around the UWS a bit in the morning (pictures below) and wrote a paper in the afternoon Sunday - had coffee and yoga with two new friends in the morning and read ethics all afternoon Today This morning's Ethics class was illuminating in a basic way for me - I realized that all of the philosophers we had been reading believe(d) in Virtue Ethics, that the goal of thinking and questioning is in pursuit of the good life. I think my classmates understood that last week, but better late than never. We also watched a movie on philosophy called Being In The World . It tried to explain Heidegger. Rather it did explain Heidegger and I tried to follow. Here is my attempt at a synopsis: One u...
I am blogging my thoughts on teaching math and on promoting social, emotional wellness among my students and colleagues. I am a fan of having students create digital portfolios in math, and I am blogging about what I am learning along the way.